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Recently I had an AHA moment

January 23rd, 2024

 Recently I had an AHA moment

It is very interesting to me that one of the reasons I left the church 40 years ago was due to all the judgements.

Fast forward to my present. I work and live my life as an artist.

Recently I had an AHA moment: the art community is totally about judgment! Omg
The pressure I felt from the gatekeepers, the gurus of art marketing, etc was so strong, I nearly threw in the towel.


I recognized something that is inherent in the making of art: NONE OF THAT MATTERS! But oh my it does take some time to arrive at this knowing. At least for me it does.

You see I do not make art for the usual reasons most artists create. It’s not some woo-woo spiritual journey, or some call from the universe. It’s just me responding to how my brain is wired. I love to solve problems. I love to create solutions.

When I paint, I am immersed into the very idea of figuring out HOW to create what I want to see on the canvas. That’s why I never do a video of me painting.

It’s all trial and error.

To date I have sold about 200 paintings over the past 20 years. Not one single person was interested in my “ why”, as the marketing gurus tell you they are. Not. ONE!
Not one has bought art from me because of a video of me painting. Not. one.

Yet I see hundreds of artists on social media doing these two things and grinding out work…….. Ugh. That just feels wrong.

I am not a monkey performing at a circus. I am a woman who loves to create paintings in order to use her mind as it is wired - to create solutions.

What does that ultimately mean to me and further, what does that possibly hold meaning for my collectors?

For me it means I am free to simply enjoy my process - FOR the process itself. With no thought to anything else. I am also free to stop thinking of myself as a fraud. Yes I have thought that for many , many years.

Now. I dont’ give a flip. Let the gatekeepers have their little corner, I’ll stay in my great big world of potential and possibilities.

What does that mean for the collector? When one of my pieces connects with you, speaks to you, you get to own a piece of art that has a certain non-quantifiable value, that was created by someone who just loves to create art. That love infuses the art and creates a silent conversation between you and me. It’s silent because the conversation is done with the eyes and the soul, not the mouth. It’s a conversation each and every time you view the art hanging on your wall - no matter how long. It’s happening.

How does that benefit you?

In a myriad of ways, I imagine. But again I can’t quantify that. Art is intensely personal. Therefore only the buyer can determine how they choose to feel when they view my art hanging on their wall.

Pushing the Limits and The Power of Believing in Yourself

August 3rd, 2023

Pushing the Limits and The Power of Believing in Yourself

Believing in oneself is a transformative mindset that can unlock boundless potential and lead to extraordinary achievements. When we push the limits of what we think is possible, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In this blog, we will explore the importance of believing in oneself and how it enables us to overcome challenges, embrace change, and reach new heights of success.

1. Embracing Self-Belief: Believing in ourselves is the first step towards accomplishing our goals. It instills confidence, resilience, and a positive mindset that propels us forward even in the face of adversity.

2. Expanding Comfort Zones: By pushing the limits of our comfort zones, we open doors to new experiences and opportunities. Stepping outside familiar territory allows us to discover untapped potential and challenge self-imposed limitations.

3. Overcoming Challenges: Believing in ourselves equips us with the strength and determination to overcome obstacles. It enables us to face setbacks with resilience and perseverance, turning them into stepping stones on our path to success.

4. Embracing Change: Believing in ourselves empowers us to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances. It allows us to view change as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat, enabling us to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

5. Achieving Personal Growth: When we believe in ourselves, we continually strive to improve and evolve. We set ambitious goals, take risks, and challenge ourselves, leading to continuous personal growth and self-improvement.

Believing in oneself is a powerful force that can propel us to achieve remarkable feats and push the limits of what we thought was possible. By embracing self-belief, expanding our comfort zones, overcoming challenges, and embracing change, we unlock a world of endless possibilities. So, dare to believe in yourself, push the limits, and watch as you achieve extraordinary success in every aspect of your life.

The Magic of Falling in Love and Embracing the Journey of the Heart

July 29th, 2023

The Magic of Falling in Love and  Embracing the Journey of the Heart

Falling in love is a transformative experience that ignites our souls and brings a rush of joy, vulnerability, and connection. It is a journey of discovery, where hearts align and two souls intertwine, creating a tapestry of emotions and experiences.

Falling in love evokes a range of emotions—butterflies in the stomach, a racing heart, and a deep sense of happiness and fulfillment. It opens the doors to vulnerability and trust, allowing us to let someone in and share our authentic selves.

This journey is not without its challenges, as we navigate the complexities of emotions, communication, and personal growth. Yet, it is within these challenges that we find opportunities for deep connection and understanding.

Falling in love invites us to be present, to cherish each moment, and to celebrate the unique bond we share. It teaches us about ourselves, expands our capacity for love, and reminds us of the beauty of human connection.

The magic of falling in love lies in the vulnerability, the connection, and the profound growth it brings. It is a journey of self-discovery, shared experiences, and the unspoken language of the heart. Let us embrace the beauty of falling in love, cherish the moments, and celebrate the transformative power it holds in our lives.

Unveiling the Secrets Behind Our Joy

July 28th, 2023

  Unveiling the Secrets Behind Our Joy

Happiness, that elusive and cherished emotion, has captivated human beings for centuries. But what truly makes us feel happy? The answer lies in a fascinating blend of biology, psychology, and personal experiences.

Happiness arises from a delicate interplay of neurotransmitters, such as dopamine and serotonin, in our brains. Positive experiences, meaningful relationships, and acts of kindness trigger these feel-good chemicals, leaving us with a sense of joy and contentment.

Our mindset and perspective also play a crucial role. Cultivating gratitude, practicing mindfulness, and pursuing personal growth can enhance our happiness levels. Moreover, our genes and upbringing lay the foundation for our happiness set-point, but our choices and habits can significantly influence our overall well-being.

Ultimately, happiness emerges from a tapestry of factors—finding purpose, connecting with others, embracing simple pleasures, and living in alignment with our values.

While the quest for happiness may be complex, it is within our reach. By understanding the science behind our joy, nurturing positive experiences, and cultivating a mindset of gratitude and growth, we can unlock the secrets to a more fulfilling and joyful life. Let us embark on this journey, embracing happiness as a lifelong pursuit.

Pushing the Limits. The Power of Believing in Yourself Believing in oneself

July 27th, 2023

Pushing the Limits. The Power of Believing in Yourself Believing in oneself

Believing in oneself is a transformative mindset that can unlock boundless potential and lead to extraordinary achievements. When we push the limits of what we think is possible, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. In this blog, we will explore the importance of believing in oneself and how it enables us to overcome challenges, embrace change, and reach new heights of success.

1. Embracing Self-Belief: Believing in ourselves is the first step towards accomplishing our goals. It instills confidence, resilience, and a positive mindset that propels us forward even in the face of adversity.

2. Expanding Comfort Zones: By pushing the limits of our comfort zones, we open doors to new experiences and opportunities. Stepping outside familiar territory allows us to discover untapped potential and challenge self-imposed limitations.

3. Overcoming Challenges: Believing in ourselves equips us with the strength and determination to overcome obstacles. It enables us to face setbacks with resilience and perseverance, turning them into stepping stones on our path to success.

4. Embracing Change: Believing in ourselves empowers us to embrace change and adapt to new circumstances. It allows us to view change as an opportunity for growth rather than a threat, enabling us to thrive in an ever-evolving world.

5. Achieving Personal Growth: When we believe in ourselves, we continually strive to improve and evolve. We set ambitious goals, take risks, and challenge ourselves, leading to continuous personal growth and self-improvement.

Believing in oneself is a powerful force that can propel us to achieve remarkable feats and push the limits of what we thought was possible. By embracing self-belief, expanding our comfort zones, overcoming challenges, and embracing change, we unlock a world of endless possibilities. So, dare to believe in yourself, push the limits, and watch as you achieve extraordinary success in every aspect of your life.

A sweet little story about Maya's Blue Himalayan

July 11th, 2023

 A sweet little story about Maya

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled at the foot of the mighty Himalayan mountains, there bloomed a magical field of Blue Himalayan Poppies. These exquisite flowers were unlike any others, with petals that shimmered like precious sapphires in the gentle sunlight. Legend had it that these flowers possessed mystical powers, granting anyone who immersed themselves in their presence a sense of wonder and joy.
In this village lived a young girl named Maya. Maya was a curious and adventurous spirit, always seeking beauty and magic in the world around her. One day, she heard whispers of the enchanted field of Blue Himalayan Poppies that lay just beyond the village.
Driven by her insatiable curiosity, Maya set out on a journey to find the legendary field. As she ventured closer to the mountains, the air became crisper, and the landscape grew more majestic. Finally, after days of wandering through the wilderness, Maya discovered the hidden gem she had been seeking—the field of Blue Himalayan Poppies.
The sight before her was breathtaking. Countless flowers adorned the field, their azure petals swaying gently in the mountain breeze. The air was filled with a delicate, sweet fragrance that captivated Maya's senses. Overwhelmed by their beauty, she stepped cautiously into the sea of blue.
With each step, Maya felt an indescribable connection to nature. She noticed how the vibrant colors of the poppies contrasted with the lush greenery surrounding them. The sunlight danced on the petals, creating an ethereal glow that seemed to breathe life into the entire landscape.
As Maya continued to explore the field, a sense of tranquility washed over her. She closed her eyes and let the flowers' whispers fill her heart. Their soft voices spoke of hope, resilience, and the everlasting beauty of the natural world. Maya felt a deep sense of gratitude for being able to witness such a magical spectacle.
Days turned into weeks, and Maya returned to the field of Blue Himalayan Poppies time and time again. Each visit revealed new wonders—a symphony of bees buzzing around the blossoms, butterflies gracefully fluttering from flower to flower, and the melody of the wind rustling through the tall grasses.
Word of Maya's encounters with the Blue Himalayan Poppies spread throughout the village. People would gather around her to listen to tales of the enchanting field and the joy it brought her. Inspired by her stories, the villagers began to appreciate the beauty of their surroundings, finding solace and inspiration in the simplest of things.
Maya's visits to the field became a tradition, passed down from generation to generation. The Blue Himalayan Poppies became a symbol of unity, reminding the villagers of the importance of preserving the natural wonders that surrounded them.
And so, the field of Blue Himalayan Poppies continued to bloom, weaving its magic into the lives of those who sought its embrace. It stood as a testament to the enduring power of nature and the ability of a single flower to ignite a sense of wonder, love, and connection within the human heart.
And as long as there were dreamers like Maya, the field of Blue Himalayan Poppies would forever enchant the world with its spellbinding beauty.

Like a kid in a candy store

July 9th, 2023

Like a kid in a candy store

As an intuitive painter, part of my “ work” is to get out of the way. Some use meditation - and sometimes I do. When I’ve used any of the little “ games”, such as counting, to stop my busy monkey mind, I then turn to my paints.

Here’s where it gets tricky. It is valuable to feel satisfaction in order to continue to allow the inspiration to flow. But! I always want to do more, because of the joy and happiness I feel during the action of painting.

I had to learn how to let it go; to just stop painting. Lawd, it was not easy. I just want to feel the paint glide across the canvas. It felt like I was cheating myself if I stopped.

Turns out the inspiration aspect of me knows far better than I do when it comes to knowing when to stop. Not once has inspiration failed me, but many times over I’ve failed to allow it to direct my hands and mind.

Learning to feel satisfied, yet eager for me, is sort of like telling a kid in line with mom at the grocery store, “ you’ll get the first scoop of ice cream as soon as we get home”. So the kids obliges mom and waits, putting their mind onto something fun. Meanwhile Mom drives home, unloads the groceries, unpacked the groceries, and begins to prepare a meal. The Kid is consumed with its object of enjoyment and has forgotten all about the ice cream. Now, when mom brings a bowl of fresh ice cream with strawberries the kid is beyond happy, giddy with joy.

THAT joy is why I paint and rob myself of, when I don’t allow myself to feel satisfaction.

Another full day in the studio is about to begin, and it is my powerful intention to allow satisfaction to rule the day.


PS remember I have a raffle going for a small seascape. Details are Here: monicahebertart.com

July 4th for me is a quiet time of introspection

July 4th, 2023

July 4th for me is a quiet time of introspection

As an independent artist, I take the 4th of July a tad bit differntly.
Focus is upon my literally independence from any outside support, save the art sales.
No patron, no husband, no family member supports my work. It’s all me.

Somedays I relish this and other days I question why I chose to live and work - fiercely independent.

The answer is within the age-old problem we women have : people pleasing. There was a time when I did not feel worthy of being an artist. And when I did paint the work was motivated by wanting to please those who directly or indirectly supported me. Usually this was a husband or family member. All well meaning of course and I do not find fault with them.

The real issue was me- until I walked away from ALL of it and sought my solace, my peace, and my worthiness through my art. It was only then that I became aware of a quiet energy or voice urging me to paint certain subjects or topics. Most of this is for my own edification, but of course when the work connects with another - it is thrilling. Especially if they buy a work!

I now understand and accept that my life, not the artist, but me, has inherent value and that is a freedom words can not express.

July 4th for me is a quiet time of introspection with some art making and some celebratory moments that together all acknowledge my respect and my appreciation for this dear, dear unique holiday.

Creative blocks

June 30th, 2023

Creative blocks

I don’t believe in “ creative blocks”

Through the time someone, somewhere will proclaim they are “ blocked”. A word used to describe the experience a creator has when not feeling anything in particular to paint or write or construct- doesn’t matter what the medium is- the creator is “ blocked”.

I’ve had this from time to time; in fact I am experiencing it right now.

I’m sitting with it, this time. Just feeling it and listening.

No push back.

There is not an energy that is doing this to me or to anyone, in my way of thinking.
Rather it’s me taking care of me. I have the time now to reflect, to restore my creative energy, to consider ideas that I usually push to the background because I am invested in whatever painting is on the easel.

I’ve repurposed my creative block into a grand passage of time and received it as a gift.

Just like the tides of the oceans the creative energy comes and goes. It will return.

This time, I will be ready!

Soft and Easy today

June 21st, 2023

Soft and Easy today

It’s quiet today. There is nothing dire to grab my attention. It’s going to be an easy day, a soft day.
Ironically it’s not easy to accept having an easy day! Isn’t that curious. And Frustrating.

I will walk the dog, and as usual, endeavor to seek the beauty of the moment.

And simply be.

Who knew that it would take practice to give myself the gift of quiet, easy and soft.

But, just like I practice my art skills, I am practicing the art of allowing myself soft, easy days.

How do you enjoy a quiet non drama day?


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